Furutech FI-E50
FI-E50 Conector Schuko | Conductores de Cobre puro chapado en Rodio | 15A-125V/10A-250V | Diámetros de cable de 6mm a 20mm
CUERPO: Nylon + fi bra de vidrio con partículas de carbono que eliminan vibraciones y
resonancias. Carcasa de acero inoxidable no magnetizable multicapa y fi bra de carbono
con acetal copolímero. Materiales de amortiguación y aislamiento de la más alta calidad.
CONDUCTOR: Cobre puro α (Alpha) bañado en rodio.
FURUTECH’S FLOATING FIELD DAMPER SYSTEM: Conecta los tornillos de sujección del
chasis a un terminal de tierra para eliminar las EMI (Interferencias Electromagnéticas).
Abrazadera metálica de sujección del cable para aumentar la estabilidad y reducir la
distorsión por inducción eléctrica.
DIMENSIONES: Longitud del cuerpo: 56.8 mm. Diámetro: 40.5 mm. Longitud total: 96 mm.
Type: 2-pole+earth
Rating:15A 125V AC
• α (Alpha) Pure copper Rhodium plated Conductor
• Earth (Ground) Jumper System (US Patent No.: 6,669,491 )
• Nylon/fiberglass body incorporating nano sized ceramic particles for absorption of vibration resonance.
• Multi layered nonmagnetic stainless steel and carbon fiber housing and incorporating acetal copolymer. The best of damping and insulation materials for improvements in frequency extension and tonal quality..
• Specified for cable diameters from 6mm to 20mm
• Dimensions: Body length 40.0mm x 40.5mm diameter x 76.2mm overall length
• Metal cable clamp for improved grip and reduction of mechanically and electrically induced distortion.
Piezo Ceramic Series Connectors • A Furutech First!
Furutech’s Pure Transmission FI-50 Piezo Ceramic series connector bodies and housings feature several breakthrough construction techniques. A multilayer nonmagnetic stainless steel and carbon fiber shell incorporates a special damping and insulating acetal copolymer. Furutech settled on stainless and carbon fiber for the outer housing after extensive listening sessions with Japanese industry figures and audiophiles.
The body of the connectors combines two “active” materials: Nano-sized ceramic particles and powdered carbon. (Only nano-sized ceramic particles effectively couples with carbon powder.) Nylon and fiberglass are incorporated as well forming an extremely effective, well damped, mechanically and electrically nonresonant connector body. That’s correct, they’re electrically damped as well.
Piezoelectric effects are the key. Furutech’s breakthrough in design and materials is based on employing nano-sized polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramic particles exhibiting electro-generative properties; mechanical pressure creates an electrical charge forming a bridge between electrical and mechanical oscillation.
Carbon powder exhibits thermal-conductive characteristics that interact with the charged ferro-ceramic particles converting their energy into heat that’s conducted away and released from the surface of the connector body!
These carefully chosen and tested “active” materials mechanically and electrically damp the connector and receptacle as they “interconvert” thermal, mechanical, and electrical energy for the finest Furutech Pure Transmission signal imaginable
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