Van den Hul The Frog

Van den Hul The Frog

Capsula MC, bobina móvil. Cantilever de aleación. Aguja eliptica. Nivel de salida 0,65 mV.

2.190 €
Impuestos incluidos

Description: A custom handbuilt moving coil cartridge with the coil of a GRASSHOPPER III and the frontpole and suspension of the GRASSHOPPER IV: the best cartridge available for its price. Output 0.65 mV/channel, matched crystal copper-wire coils and extra magnet modification. The production time for this cartridge after ordering is about two weeks. Please call your authorized distributor for delivery time. Specifications: Cartridge Type The FROG ® Unit Stylus Replacement Available see (*) Stylus Shape VDH - IS Stylus Radii 2 x 85 Micron Frequency Range 5 - 55.000 Hz Tracking Force 13.5 - 16 mN Static Compliance 35 Micron / mN Tracking Ability at 15 mN at 315 Hz 70 - 80 Micron Output Voltage at 1 kHz at 5.7 cm/s eff. 0.65 mV RMS Channel Unbalance < 0.3 dB Channel Separation at 1 kHz/10 kHz >35 / >30 dB Equivalent Stylus Tip Mass 0.32 Milligram System Weight 8.2 Gram Vertical Tracking Angle 22 Degrees Optimum Load Capacitance see (**) pF Recommended Load Impedance 500 (> 200) Ohm Recommended Eff. Tone arm Mass 6 - 10 Gram Moving Coil Resistance (per channel) 21 Ohm

Van den Hul The Frog

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